Jul 4, 2015

I think great decisions come from high self-esteem

Once again, less is more.

Sheena Lyengar shared how businesses can increases sales by reducing the number of choices that the customers have to make using scientifically proven ways:

  1. Cut - reduce the number of products and make their differences distinct.
  2. Concretisation - make the differences between products obvious and as physical and as visual as possible.
  3. Categorisation - clear categorisation helps customers in making decisions by helping them to tell the products apart.
  4. Condition for complexity - if there is really a need for customers to make many decisions, let them have the simpler ones first.

What also struck me was that Sheena shared that CEOs made more decisions daily than normal people do and  within a shorter time do. I came to realise that there is no right or wrong choice. Choices are made based on one's principle and beliefs. I observed that people with high self-esteem assert their choices and fight for them based on their strong principles and beliefs. 
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