Jan 16, 2014

Nick Vuijcic - I Don't Care

2 things resounded in my head after watching this: "I don't care" and "purpose".

I simply adore his optimism. The jokes he told about his no-limb situation. It appears that he had totally accepted his fate, something that take enormous courage to do. His jokes drew him closer to his audience which had already opened up to him because he has no limbs. He also subtly showed what he could achieve, even without hands and legs, like taking a phone call, picking himself up from a fall, playing drums, kicking a ball etc. And towards the end of this video that showed how he lives his life, he could do things way beyond anyone's imagination, like swimming, driving a speedboat and even simple things like combing hand and brushing teeth.

It was hard

I can imagine how he was teased when he was young. He tried committing suicide when he was ten years old. He almost wanted to end it all. I also had a disability and was teased by my classmates. My small disability is nothing, compared to his. He said, even today, he isn't happy all the time, there are still times that he feels lousy especially when his loved ones are in pain but he couldn't help.

It is my choice

What do you choose to believe? Do you want to believe in others' opinion of you? Do you want be the person that others think that you will be? Do you want to give up after you fail? He said he realised that he couldn't change his situation, that he couldn't have his arms and legs back overnight. So, he asked himself if he wanted to focus on not having arms and legs or be thankful for still having a "chicken drumstick".

When people around have sex, drugs, alcohol and swear, do we have to follow?

He doesn't care...if you are fat or thin, pretty or ugly, smart or stupid, he wants to give you a hug and love you...how powerful.

He found his purpose in life...saving people's lives through his inspirational speeches.

I have to lean in closer and listen to my heart...I don't care.

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