Inspired by this movie to embark on a challenge for myself. One to find myself. To "don't settle, keep looking" as said by Steve Jobs.
In the movie, Nick followed his heart to join Butterfly circus but he did not know what he could do in the circus. He saw how the circus members were recruited by the circus master off the streets and how they found their purpose in the circus by performing and entertaining and putting smiles on people's faces, particularly for the poor. They even donated to the poor. Nick saw how they could make a difference. However, he felt he could not do the same because he was "different" given his disability.
Once, the circus troop was resting by a river. Nick needed help to cross a log. The other circus members pretended not to hear his plead in a bid to get him to take the first step out of his comfort zone. He did and he fell into the water. That's when he discovered that he could actually swim and ultimately a circus act was designed for him.
I think we don't sit around and think about what we should do. We have to do it. Just do it.
I am going to challenge myself to learn something new every month.