Dec 13, 2013

WestJet Makes Passengers Wishes Come True

WestJet planted a Santa Claus at the place of departure to find out from the passengers of a flight their Christmas gift wishes. Subsequently, WestJet staff scoured for the gifts and hand-wrapped them. At the luggage belt at the destination, the passengers were pleasantly surprised to find their Christmas gift wishes came true as the gifts that they asked for were delivered on the luggage belt to them, each with their names on it. The gifts included Android tablet, new socks and underwear, scarf and even a big screen TV. Needless to say, the passengers' faces lighted up with happiness.

Think Big
So many questions I have after watching this video. How does Santa Claus tell all the passengers' names from their faces? How did they manage to ask all the passengers what gifts would they like? But I guess WestJet just went ahead and do it. It can be done...somehow...

I haven't been so touched by a video for a long while. Just look at the smiles on the passengers' faces. Really warms my heart. This reminds me that the world is generally a loving place. Meaning in work involves making impact in people's lives. I am pretty sure I would be very happy to be a WestJet staff involved in this video.
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