Nov 11, 2015

Video Notes: The Science of Persuasion

Factors influencing persuasion:
  1. Reciprocity. People tend to give after they have received. Be the first to give and give unexpectedly is the most effective. Eg, Amount of waiters' tips after giving mint sweets.
  2. Scarcity. People want more of what is less. Tell them what they stand to lose. Eg, British Airways discontinuing Concorde.
  3. Authority. People are more willing to listen to people who are more credible. Eg, Real estate call staff recommending real estate agents.
  4. Consistency. Asking people to indicate commitment. Eg, Erecting ugly slow down signs and getting patients to write down own medical appointment details.
  5. Liking. We like people who are similar to us, pay compliments to us and cooperate with us. Eg, Pay compliments before talking business.
  6. Consensus. We like to follow actions of others. Eg, 75% of those who stayed in this hotel room reuse their towels.
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