Oct 20, 2015

Drifting Queen Leona Chin

If you don't know what is drifting, you will after this one video:

She is Leona Chin. She also participated in a China motorsports reality show recently:

Her passion in racing has really brought her places. Now she organising a crowdsourcing campaign to raise fund to go racing in Japan. As she describes it, she picked up drifting and racing by chance. It is another case of serendipity. Her sweet looks also helped her in a way. 

I am inspired by her relentless pursuit of her interest in motorsports. I can imagine her parents' and relatives' nagging and anxiety when she is pursuing this sports. Unconventional for an Asian girl. Also, being a girl in a male-dominated sports has it own challenges. Despite all the challenges, apparently, she is enjoying a fair bit of success, in cyberworld too. 
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