Dec 11, 2013

Anything is Possible

Was trying to convince my girl to look at difficult challenges (exams) straight in the face.  I told her the story of Ruben Gonzales that I recalled from Jack Canfield's Success Principles audio.

If I remember correctly, in his 20s, he decided that he wanted to compete in the Olympics. Interesting thing was, he wasn't good at any sports at that time. Ultimately, he picked luge as that was the sport that was the most difficult and with fewer participants. It meant he had a better chance of competing at the Olympics! It wasn't easy. He broke bones during trainings and almost wanted to give up. He overcame all odds to compete at the Olympics in 4 years! And he did it for 4 Olympics, proving his point that anything was possible, particularly when he did his final competition at age 47!

Good reminder for myself as well.

photo credit: TylerIngram via photopin cc
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