Nov 6, 2015
A Foreign Worker's Tale
Another good TV show I caught recently is this one which ask a celebrity to stand in for a blue collar worker's job for a day. In this episode, Pornsak took over the job over a worker from China who works with mobile toilets. It was tough. Day in day out for eight years, he has to clean foul-smelling toilets of human faeces and urination. The worker remembered that he could not get use to it in the beginning. In fact, his family back in China doesn't know the nature of his job. He didn't tell because he was afraid he may be despised by his family. He can only fly back and visit his family once every year. He didn't even make it back when his father passed away. He spent close to 10 years of his life working in Singapore away from his family. On one hand there is pain from this separation, on the other there is this unglamourous and tough job that adds on to the pain. What a sacrifice!