Jul 2, 2015

Less is More

My theme for this year is "Less is More". Why? Increasing we see evidence of having less is actually better, particular in this information explosion age. I even experienced paralysis from information overload last couple of years. Let's take a look at some of these evidences.

Finland focuses on equality, they don't practise elitism (no expensive private schools like what they have in the US) and they don't assess their students using standardised tests (no stressful exams!). But Finland produces some of the brightest students in the world! From the article, the success comes giving the students equal opportunities in learning and giving each and every student receiving a good amount of attention from the teachers.

Less stress is more learning.

"Don't merely focus on academic" is what this article is trying to tell us. Something which I regretted doing during my school days. I wished I had spent less time on the books and more time picking up some other skills. And they are saying that spending less time on books actually helps with school work!

Less study is more good grades.

At Work
Things get done better and faster when done as an individual than in a group.

...brainstorming sessions are one of the worst possible ways to stimulate creativity...

How can I tell my boss this? And the article tells all the benefits of working alone.

Less people is more work done.

Norwegians worked the fewest hour but achieved the highest GDP per hour worked. What have they done right?

Less work is more productivity.

And many websites about productivity tell us that the web is sucking productive time out of us. So let's cut down on Facebooking and Google+-ing.

Less surfing is more productivity.

Mr Zhu Deyong went against the tides, snatching toys with his son and bringing his son overseas before school vacation comes. Laissez faire parenting as he calls it.

Less strict is more stronger ties.

Afternote: I came across this article that describes how French parents put more focus on their own well-beings, less focus on their children and still manage to raise some well-behaved children.

And not forgetting meditation. Dalai Lama, Steve Jobs, Jack Canfield, Lee Kuan Yew and many other successful people and even celebrities meditate. It must have its merits. 

Less thoughts is more awareness.
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