Apr 30, 2015

The Many Little Pleasures in Life

Neil Pasricha started a blog sharing the many little pleasures in life after experiencing some lowest points in life. He shared with us the 3 As of awesomeness in this video - Attitude, Awareness and Authenticity. No one put it across better than he did.

The universe is humongous but life can only be found in this particular milky way, in this particular solar system. Life is found only on Earth, third planet away from the Sun and sixth planet from Neptune. It cannot be Venus nor Mars for they are either too hot or too cold for life. Hey but even on Earth, it takes a single sperm cell out of a million to hit an egg cell to produce me. And fortunately, I was a human cell and a human egg, born into a good family, able to receive education and not starve. What followed was amazing too. The Second World War just ended. The PC and the Internet grew up with me. We have got some of the best things around since they have been invented - light bulbs, airplanes, air conditioning, cars etc. Truly, we have many things to be grateful for already and life is really awesome.
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