Oct 22, 2014

Warren Buffett and Happiness

There is also this interview by Charlie Rose.

Warren Buffett's down-to-earth style has really won my admiration:
  • Happiness - Utimate Luxury (or happiness) is doing what you really want to do. He really loves his work. He don't need to be pushed to go to work. He
    tap dances to work everyday
    Seeing some real passion here for a person age 81.
  • Don't need too much money - He ties his pay to the stock price at some point in time! This company CEO really has the company interest at heart. Well, Berkshire Hathaway's shares trades above US$100,000. But still, is a meagre sum compared with what the other Wall Street CEOs are getting.
  • Satisfied with life - The same old restaurant, burger, Cherry Coke, suit, car (he finally changed it after his daughter found him a good deal)
These we can learn and, more importantly, can we also learn his money-making ways?   
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