Sep 23, 2014

Physically Disabled Mentally Abled

I was reminded by a course instructor today about Helen Keller. 

She was a miracle. Anne Sullivan was amazing too. I thought raising a kid is tough. Try raising one who is deaf and blind. I can't say I feel for her. None of us could ever experience what she went through, in a dark world with totally no sound. I could only imagine the fear, frustration and helplessness she experienced as a kid and I think that's only 10% of what she actually experienced. Anne tried hard and managed to get into Helen's life and became her confidante for life. Pure dedication!

Helen's achievements put normal people like me to shame. She studied multiple languages, got a college degree, learnt to talk, travelled the world, gave lectures, became an activist...

Course instructor said many of us are physically abled but mentally disabled. I nodded my head in agreement. 
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