May 29, 2014

Will a Degree Spell Good Pay?

To me, we are seeing the early sign of over-supply of degrees in the job market. Parents are getting more effluent and more literate. They can provide more for their children, like engaging tuition teachers. It is inevitable that there is going to be more degree holders. How to stand out in the future? Masters degree will slowly become the norm. Do we want our children to go along this path? It is still alright if the education system is better. Right now it is just a grade chase and unhealthy competition. The true spirit of learning is lost by the time people reach universities. When they eventually graduate, they don't know what they want to do. 

What do I think? My focus will be sustaining thirst and curiosity in learning. I believe it has to do with making learning fun and create head fakes. Character traits like tenacity, compassion and willing to be different are key. 
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